
Saturday, 27 July

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Robert T. Tighe, CPA, MST, CVA Learn More
Keith W. Orr, CPA, MST Learn More
Timothy A. King, CPA, MAS Learn More
Joseph R. Royster, CPA, MAS Learn More
Vicki Michalski, CPA Learn More
Sandra L. Rice, CPA Learn More
Joseph P. Gonzalez, CPA Learn More
Mohamed Nurmohamed, CPA Learn More

Individual Tax

At Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C., we prefer to take a proactive approach verses a reactive approach to tax services. By keeping current on new tax laws and legislation, we are in a position to identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities.

We work with our clients on various matters including:

  • At-risk basis limitations
  • Passive activity loss limitations
  • Like-kind-exchanges (Section 1031 “Starker”)
  • Schedule K-1’s
  • Rental Properties
  • Budget Preparation and Accounting
  • Business Transaction Reviews
  • Capital Preservation
  • Federal and State Tax Planning
  • Philanthropic Planning
  • Pre-Contract Tax Consultation
  • Tax Compliance
  • Tax Controversy and Dispute Resolution (IRS/IDOR matters)
  • Executive Counseling Services