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Closely Held Businesses & Professional Services

Closely held and family-owned businesses have unique concerns and accounting requirements. The finances of the business and the family are often highly intertwined as the business typically represents a large share of the family’s wealth and future security. Business loans are secured by personal assets and cash flow has a major impact on the family’s lifestyle. When advising on wealth management issues for individual professionals, Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C. principals provide insights and strategies into balancing professional and personal wealth accrual goals. Because of these factors, it is especially important that family businesses have a relationship with an accounting firm they trust.

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Construction & Contractors

Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C. works with our construction, contractor and real estate clients to understand their business needs. Our clients benefit from this knowledge as we help them minimize their taxes while maximizing their banking and bonding capacities. Tax and accounting rules for contractors are unique compared to other industries.

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Real Estate

Having helped clients through real estate cycles, Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C. provides timely, responsive and goal-specific audit, tax and business advisory services to clients with real property and affiliated interests in the United States and overseas.

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Not-For-Profit & Governmental

As nonprofit organizations focus on making an impact on their causes and communities, Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C. turns its attention to supporting the financial reporting obligations and business operations of tax-exempt organizations. Many of our nonprofit engagements reflect Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C.’s years of involvement in the community and our commitment to people and groups making a difference.

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Manufacturing & Distribution

Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C.’s engagements with manufacturing and distribution clients reflect our long-term affiliation with commercial enterprises and entrepreneurs. Tighe, Kress & Orr, P.C.’s active involvement in the business community makes us privy to emerging opportunities and new developments, such as tax incentives and changing regulatory compliance requirements.

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