
Saturday, 27 July

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Reading the tea leaves: Potential tax legislation in the new Congress

Timothy King

Posted By: Timothy King

Posted February 14, 2023 / No comments

The 2022 mid-term election has shifted the scales in Washington, D.C., with the Democrats no longer controlling both houses of Congress. While it remains to be seen if — and when — any tax-related legislation can muster the requisite bipartisan support, a review of certain provisions in existing laws may provide an indication of the

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2023 tax calendar

Robert Tighe

Posted By: Robert Tighe

Posted January 11, 2023 / No comments

To help you make sure you don’t miss any important 2023 deadlines, we’ve provided this summary of when various tax-related forms, payments and other actions are due. Please review the calendar and let us know if you have any questions about the deadlines or would like assistance in meeting them. Date Deadline for  January 10

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Year-end spending package tackles retirement planning, conservation easements

Keith Orr

Posted By: Keith Orr

Posted December 28, 2022 / No comments

On December 23, 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. The sprawling year-end spending “omnibus” package includes two important new laws that could affect your financial planning: the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act (also known as SECURE 2.0) and the Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act. Bolstering retirement savings The original SECURE Act,

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5 steps to take now to cut your 2022 tax liability

Cynthia Petschke

Posted By: Cynthia Petschke

Posted November 8, 2022 / No comments

It has been quite a year — high inflation, rising interest rates and a bear stock market. While there’s not a lot you can do about any of these financial factors, you may have some control over how your federal tax bill for the year turns out. Here are some strategies to consider executing before

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Inflation Reduction Act expands valuable R&D payroll tax credit

Timothy King

Posted By: Timothy King

Posted September 30, 2022 / No comments

When President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law in August, most of the headlines covered the law’s climate change and health care provisions. But the law also enhances an often overlooked federal tax break for qualifying small businesses. The IRA more than doubles the amount a qualified business can potentially claim as

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Clean Vehicle Credit comes with caveats

Robert Tighe

Posted By: Robert Tighe

Posted September 7, 2022 / No comments

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a wide range of tax incentives aimed at combating the dire effects of climate change. One of the provisions receiving considerable attention from consumers is the expansion of the Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit (IRC Section 30D), now known as the Clean Vehicle Credit. While the expanded credit seems

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IRS offers penalty relief for 2019, 2020 tax years

Keith Orr

Posted By: Keith Orr

Posted August 31, 2022 / No comments

While the recently announced student loan debt relief has captured numerous headlines, it’s estimated that another federal relief program announced on the same day will provide more than $1.2 billion in tax refunds or credits. Specifically, IRS Notice 2022-36 extends penalty relief to both individuals and businesses who missed the filing deadlines for certain 2019 and/or 2020

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The Inflation Reduction Act includes wide-ranging tax provisions

Cynthia Petschke

Posted By: Cynthia Petschke

Posted August 15, 2022 / No comments

The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). President Biden is expected to sign the bill into law shortly. The IRA includes significant provisions related to climate change, health care, and, of course, taxes. The IRA also addresses the federal budget deficit. According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO),

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CHIPS Act poised to boost U.S. businesses

Timothy King

Posted By: Timothy King

Posted August 5, 2022 / No comments

The Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America Act (CHIPS Act) was recently passed by Congress as part of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. President Biden is expected to sign it into law shortly. Among other things, the $52 billion package provides generous tax incentives to increase domestic production of semiconductors, also

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Businesses: Act now to make the most out of bonus depreciation

Robert Tighe

Posted By: Robert Tighe

Posted July 21, 2022 / No comments

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) significantly boosted the potential value of bonus depreciation for taxpayers — but only for a limited duration. The amount of first-year depreciation available as a so-called bonus will begin to drop from 100% after 2022, and businesses should plan accordingly. Bonus depreciation in a nutshell Bonus depreciation has

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